Korounkorokale revisited
1997 MacDonald, Kevin C.

West African NeolithicAfrica > Western Africa

Before the Empire of Ghana
1998 MacDonald, Kevin C.

West African NeolithicAfrica > Western Africa

A reconsideration of the West African macrolithic conundrum
article 1994 MacDonald, Kevin C. & Allsworth-Jones, P. (Philip)

West African Late Stone AgeAfrica > Western Africa
Four sites were found during a survey of Vallée du Serpent, Mali: Sirakoro-Ancien, Ntyébougou, Giré-Ouest, and Giré-Est. These sites are compared with other lithic sites throughout West Africa that date from 14,000-1500 years ago. Both macrolithic an...

Excavations at Jenné-Jeno, Hambarketolo, and Kaniana (Inland Niger Delta, Mali) :
1994 McIntosh, Susan Keech et al.

West African Iron AgeAfrica > Western Africa
The Inland Niger Delta (IND) site of Jenné-jeno is one of the longest Iron Age sequences in west Africa (250 B.C.-1400 A.D.), reaching its peak settlement density in 900 A.D. The archaeologists carried out a site survey in 1977 and returned in 1980 t...