La Industria de silex, la piedra pulimentada, los objetos de hueso y concha, y la ceramica
essay 1980 Martí Oliver, Bernardo

Impressed WareEurope > General Europe
This is a detailed inventory of sector J of the La Cova de l'Or cave site in Valencia, Spain. The coverage includes descriptions of silex, bone, polished stone, shell, and cermamic artifacts recovered from the various stratified layers at the site....

El Sector J. la excavacion
essay 1980 Martí Oliver, Bernardo & Pascual Pérez, Vincente

Impressed WareEurope > General Europe
This article describes the excavation unit known as sector J at La Cova de l'Or, with data on its physical dimensions and stratigraphy, but with little if any information on the actual artifacts recovered at the site....

Cova de l'Or (Beniarres-Alicante)
Book 1977 Martí Oliver, Bernardo et al.

Impressed WareEurope > General Europe
La Cova de l'Or is a Neolithic cave site located in the Valencia region of Spain. This document, in Spanish, describes possible North African and eastern Mediterranean influences on the site, and comparisons are made to other archaeological excavatio...