Late Sedentary - Early Classic period Hohokam agriculture
essay 1987 Miksicek, Charles H.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Miksicek analyzed the plant remains from the excavations at Marana. As predicted, plant remains correlated with expected site location and expected land use. The most maize plant remains were found at Locus E and indicate ak chin farming. The plant r...

Wind Mountain macrobotanical plant remains
book chapter 1996 Miksicek, Charles H. & Fall, Patricia L.

MogollonNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is an archaeological analysis of the macrobotanical plant remains at the Wind Mountain site in the upper Sonoran life zone of New Mexico. The authors discuss the types of wood used in house construction and for fuel at the site, as well as plant...

The ecology and economy of Cuello
essay 1991 Miksicek, Charles H. et al.

Preclassic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
This is a report in two parts on the faunal and fauna remains of Cuello. The researchers collected seed, wood charcoal, mollusk, and bones from different strata and features, such as caches (CHULTUNS). A total of 250 flotation samples were taken from...

The Dairy site
essay 1992 Fish, Paul R. et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Fish et al. discuss the findings from the excavations at the Dairy site. The site has a preceramic occupation from the late Archaic period. Also '[s]tudies at the Dairy Site (AZ AA:12:285) document subsistence activies from an initial interval of pla...