The people of Abu Hureyra
book chapter 2000 Molleson, Theya Ivitsky

Aceramic NeolithicMiddle East > Middle East
Molleson examined the bones from Abu Hureyra. Molleson was able to determine the people of Abu Hureyra's physical appearence, how children were weaned, diet (it was very hard and coarse - people were eating cereals and dried gazelle meat), that they ...

The human remains
book chapter 2000 Molleson, Theya Ivitsky

Aceramic NeolithicMiddle East > Middle East
Molleson discusses the human remains at Abu Hureyra 1 and 2 from trenches B, D, E, and G. As there were very few remains associated with Abu Hureyra 1 this document is essentially about Abu Hureyra 2; circa 9,400 BP-7,000 BP; with a little about the ...

Note on the human skeletal material from Area FS
essay 2001 Molleson, Theya Ivitsky

AkkadianMiddle East > Middle East
Molleson examined the human remains found in the ritual closure deposits. The skeletal remains belonged to three males and one female. Molleson attempted to determine whether any of the individuals recovered were charioteers or riders but neither cou...

Disposal of the dead
book chapter 2000 Moore, A. M. T. (Andrew Michael Tangye) & Molleson, Theya Ivitsky

Aceramic NeolithicMiddle East > Middle East
Moore and Molleson describe the burials and human remains found at Abu Hureyra 1 and 2 and the Historic period. Only the data pertaining to Abu Hureyra 2 were indexed for OCM (Outline of Cultural Materials) subjects. They discuss who, what, where, an...