The Gamdat Nasr sounding at Abu Salabikh
essay 1986 Moon, Jane

Jemdet NasrMiddle East > Middle East
Jane Moon briefly describes the findings from excavations at Abu Salabikh that included a small number of Jemdet Nasr pottery sherds. She points out that painted pottery is not very useful as a chronological indicator as is limited....

The Lower Diyala and the Hamrin Basin
essay 1986 Moon, Jane

Jemdet NasrMiddle East > Middle East
Jane Moon gives a brief overview of the few Jemdet Nasr (also known as the protoliterate) sites and ceramics to be found in the Hamrin basin and the lower Diyala river basin. Illustrations of a few pots are included....

The pottery from Tell Madhhur
article 1984 Moon, Jane & Roaf, Michael

UbaidMiddle East > Middle East
This article is a detailed description of the pottery types excavated at Tell Madhhur that are representative of several occupation periods in evidence at the site: Islamic(13th-14th centuries AD, mid-second millennium BC, mid-third millennium grave ...