Tradition Summary
essay 2015 Moore, Jerry D.

ChimuSouth America > Central Andes
This is a summary of the Chimu tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Chimu archaeological tradition....

Pattern and meaning in prehistoric peruvian architecture
article 1992 Moore, Jerry D.

ChimuSouth America > Central Andes
This document is an examination of the hypothesis that Chimu U-shaped rooms were administrative offices or checkpoints controlling access to storage rooms; a mark of authority and supervision associated with Chimu state-sponsored projects. Graph theo...

Household economics and political integration
Book 1985 Moore, Jerry D.

ChimuSouth America > Central Andes
This dissertation is based on excavation of cane-walled structures comprising a lower class neighborhood at Manchan in the Casma Valley, a southern Chimu administrative center with a variety of other structures: adobe brick residences and public arch...