The ground stone assemblage
essay 1986 Morris, Donald H.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Morris analyzed the ground stone collection from the Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project's 19 sites. The collection consisted of 1129 whole or fragmentary specimens and included manos, metates, pestles, mullers, a stone pipe, and items whose function c...

Picacho Reservoir ceramic period occupation
essay 1986 Morris, Donald H.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Morris examines the ceramics found during the Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project and compares them to some nearby Hohokam sites. Only the data that pertain to the Vahki period of 2300 BP-2000 BP (300 BC-AD 1) and Vahki ceramics were marked for outline...

Cremations at the Marana site
essay 1987 Morris, Donald H. & Brooks, Dan

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Morris and Brooks analyzed the cremated remains from Marana. They compare them to remains found at La Cuidad and Snaketown. They conclude that the low bone weight of the cremations can be explained by the symbolic treatment of the remains that includ...

Episodic use of a marginal environment
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. & Morris, Donald H.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Bayham and Morris present a synthesis of the prehistoric use and environmental changes that occurred in the Picacho reservoir area. 'The long-term pattern of episodic use of the ... study area coincides with temperature maxima which are inferred to i...

References cited
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This document contains the references for documents nos. 23-48....

The Dune Field sites
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Bayham describes the fieldwork and the sites found in the dune fields, most of which are Archaic or Middle Archaic with a few occupied also during the Hohokam period. Data attributed to the Hohokam time period were not marked for OCM (Outline of Cult...

The Arroyo site
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Bayham et al. describe the various loci associated with AZ AA:3:28 (ASU). These were labeled Locus A-M. They also describe the artifacts recovered, what types of activities occurred at the site, and the field work conducted at each locus. There is al...

The Lower Bajada sites
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Bayham et al. describe the various sites that were found around the Lower Bajada. Their environments are described along with the field work conducted at each site. The artifacts found are listed and the various site activities are briefly described....

Radiocarbon dates
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
'This appendix is a synthesis of all the radiocarbon dates, laboratory sample numbers, and provenience information.' (page 415)....

Ground stone data
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix is a catalog of the ground stone from the Picacho project sites....

Projectile point data
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix presents the recorded metric and morphological attributes for the projectile points and bifaces....

Lithic analyses data
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
'This appendix contains raw data from lithic analyses presented in Chapters Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine. Included here are lithic technological definitions, followed by definitions of grain size and attributes of lithic manufacture and use. Various l...

Composition of site surface ceramic assemblages, Picacho Reservoir
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix presents tables on ceramic assemblages and artifact densities for the sites at Picacho and for the Brady Wash Complex....

Palynology data
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix contains data on the species of pollen found in the Picacho study area....

Macroplant and ethnobotanical data
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix contains data on the macroplant remains found in the Picacho study area, ethnographic plant use, flowering season and habitat for plants, and ethnobotanical data from other archaeological sites in southern Arizona....

Faunal analysis data
essay 1986 Bayham, Frank E. et al.

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This appendix contains tables on the fauna that was found at each site....