Black Sand and Havana tradition ceramic assemblages and culture history in the central Illinois River valley
essay 1986 Munson, Patrick J.

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Munson writes about the types of ceramics found in the central Illinois River valley and what that means for the culture history of the area. The first portion of the paper describes the following ceramic types: Black Sand Incised, Liverpool Cormarke...

Marion, Black Sand, Morton, and Havana relationship
essay 1986 Munson, Patrick J.

Eastern Early WoodlandNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Munson has revise his 1982 twin-tradition model on the development of two cultures in the Illinois area. He proposes a Marion to Morton to early Havana sequence for one cultural tradition and a Black Sand tradition that played no role in the developm...

Archaeological data on the origins of cultivation in the southwestern Sahara and their implications for West Africa
1976 Munson, Patrick J.

West African NeolithicAfrica > Western Africa