Analysis of archaeological surface collections
essay 1972 Nissen, Hans Jörg

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
This is a detailed study of the surface collections of pottery from sites located in lower Mesopotamia, (primarily Iraq), for the time range between the Ubaid and the Early Dynastic II periods. Pottery collection that are richly varied and can make a...

Cultural and political networks in the ancient Near East during the fourth and third millennia B.C.
essay 2001 Nissen, Hans Jörg

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
In this article Nissen describes one of the greatest problems in the interpretation of events and trends in the Greater Mesopotamian region during the fourth millennium BC - the Uruk period. Despite a century of excavation work at Uruk-Warka, the col...

The development of writing and of glyptic art
essay 1986 Nissen, Hans Jörg

Jemdet NasrMiddle East > Middle East
Nissen summarizes what was known about tablets, seals, and sealings from Ur, Uruk, 'Uquair, Jemdet Nasr, and the Diyala region in 1986 and briefly discusses their development. Most of these artifacts came from poor stratigraphic contexts. They probab...

Final discussion
essay 1986 Nissen, Hans Jörg

Jemdet NasrMiddle East > Middle East
The chairs of the various sessions summarize the results of their sessions, providing an overview of what is known of the Jemdet Nasr period: where it is located, what is its relative time frame, and how it can be seen as a continuation from the Late...

The 'Ubaid period in the context of the early history of the ancient Near East
essay 1989 Nissen, Hans Jörg & Ubaid Symposium (1988 : Helsingør, Denmark)

UbaidMiddle East > Middle East
The 'Ubaid style of pottery painting which stesses the use of circular bands in combination with more elaborate patterns and simple shapes has found acceptance as one representing one of the major phases of Mesopotamian prehistory and is …'not restri...