C14 dating of the settlement at Gårdlösa, Smedstorp Parish, Scania, Sweden
essay 1981 Olsson, Ingrid U.

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This is a lab report on the radiocarbon dating of 29 charcoal samples from Gårdlösa. The dates ranged from 1270 ± 80 to 1170 ± 60 BP. The date from seven hearth samples span 200 years....

An interlaboratory comparison using Gårdlösa samples
essay 1981 Olsson, Ingrid U.

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This is Appendix II from the Gårdlösa volume (see documents nos. 5-15.) It is a retesting of the radiocarbon dates using a different lab of Gårdlösa samples. The different results between the two labs varied from 20-120 years for the six samples test...

C14 analyses [Gårdlösa]
essay 1981 Olsson, Ingrid U. & Håkansson, Sören

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This is a list of radiocarbon dates made from charcoal and bone material found in different pit-houses, hearths, cremations, and ovens at the Gårdlösa site. For discussion of findings, see document no. 13....