The Late Intermediate Period
essay 1988 Parsons, Jeffrey R. & Hastings, Charles M.

Andean Regional StatesSouth America > Central Andes
Parsons and Hastings review the archaeology of four regions of Peru for the Late Intermediate Period: '1) the Chimu domain on the North Coast; 2) the Upper Mantaro-Tarma drainage in the Central Sierra; 3) the Chillon-Rimac-Lurin valleys on the Centra...

The basin of Mexico
essay 1979 Sanders, William T. et al.

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
This monograph represents the results of field research conducted over a period of 15 years (1960-1975), in the Basin of Mexico. Although Sanders covers a wide range of archaeological periods from the Early Horizon to the Late Horizon (ca. 1500 BC to...