eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
The Late Intermediate Periodessay 1988 • Parsons, Jeffrey R. & Hastings, Charles M.
Andean Regional States • South America > Central Andes
Parsons and Hastings review the archaeology of four regions of Peru for the Late Intermediate Period: '1) the Chimu domain on the North Coast; 2) the Upper Mantaro-Tarma drainage in the Central Sierra; 3) the Chillon-Rimac-Lurin valleys on the Centra...The basin of Mexicoessay 1979 • Sanders, William T. et al.
Highland Mesoamerican Late Preclassic • Middle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
This monograph represents the results of field research conducted over a period of 15 years (1960-1975), in the Basin of Mexico. Although Sanders covers a wide range of archaeological periods from the Early Horizon to the Late Horizon (ca. 1500 BC to...