Tradition and transformation
Book 1997 Potts, Daniel T.

Iranian Bronze AgeMiddle East > Middle East
Tepe Yahya, located in the southwestern part of the Soghun Valley in southeastern Iran, is the focus of this disseration. The site was first discovered by a survey party led by Professor C.C. Lamberg-Karlovski of the Peabody Museum, Harvard Universit...

A Contribution to the history of the term 'Gamdat Nasr'
essay 1986 Potts, Daniel T.

Jemdet NasrMiddle East > Middle East
Potts explores the origin of the term Jemdet Nasr (Gamdat Nasr); how and when it came to be used as a chronological period, a culture, and a pottery style and a tablet style. He also discusses the dating of the site and of the large building....

Eastern Arabia and the Oman Peninsula during the late fourth and early third millennium B.C.
essay 1986 Potts, Daniel T.

Jemdet NasrMiddle East > Middle East
A few Jemdet Nasr ceramics and a few seals have been found in the Arabian Gulf. These items are usually found along trade routes and may have been traded for Omani copper. Potts describes the sites and pertinent finds. Drawings of the ceramics are in...