eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Theocracy vs. militarismessay 1987 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
Pozorski describes some of the changes that occurred among the polities of the Casma Valley on north coast of Peru, from the Late Preceramic through Early Intermediate periods (only data pertaining to the Early Formative/Initial period are indexed fo...Theocracy vs. militarismessay 1987 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Coastal Andean Late Formative • South America > Central Andes
This document is a review of some of the changes that occurred to the polities in the Casma Valley from the Late Preceramic into the Early Intermediate Period; only data pertaining to the Late Formative, or Early Horizon/Early Period, are relevant to...Subsistence systems in the Chimú stateessay 2010 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Chimu • South America > Central Andes
Food remains from ten sites in the Moche Valley are analyzed in order to reconstruct changes in subsistence from the Cotton Preceramic to the end of the Late Horizon (only the data pertaining to the Chimu are topic indexed). Industrial plants and wil...Tradition Summaryessay 2014 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis & Pozorski, Thomas George
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
This is a summary of the Coastal Andean Early Formative tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Coastal Andean Early Formative archaeological tradition....An early subsistence exchange system in the Moche Valley, Peruarticle 1979 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis & Pozorski, Thomas George
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors excavated at the sites of Gramalote and Caballo Muerto in the Moche Valley on the north coast of Peru, examining midden deposits for subsistence remains. Burials, ceramics, textiles and textile impressions, worked stone, and architectural...Recent excavations at Pampa de las Llamas-Moxekearticle 1986 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis & Pozorski, Thomas George
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
Based on excavations at Pampa de las Llamas-Moxeke in the Casma Valley on the north coast of Peru, the authors believe it was an urban center that attained a state level of political organization during the Initial Period. Their testing program obtai...Early civilization in the Casma Valley, Peruarticle 1992 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis & Pozorski, Thomas George
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors discuss major finds from their fieldwork in the Casma Valley on the north coast of Peru, covering the early rise of social complexity from the Cotton Preceramic through the Early Formative/Initial Period (only data pertaining to the Initi...Tradition Summaryessay 2015 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis & Pozorski, Thomas George
Coastal Andean Late Formative • South America > Central Andes
This is a summary of the Coastal Andean Late Formative tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Coastal Andean Late Formative archaeological tradition....Chronologyessay 1987 • Pozorski, Shelia Griffis & Pozorski, Thomas George
Coastal Andean Late Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors chronicle the history of Peruvian chronological schemes, and settling on the Rowe-Lanning framework, chart the coverage of the other chapters in this edited volume, [i]The Origins and Development of the Andean State[/i] (1987)....Early complex society and ceremonialism on the Peruvian north coastarticle 1993 • Pozorski, Thomas George & Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors explore some of the different ways complex society and its accompanying ceremonialism can develop by examining early sites in the Moche and Casma Valleys on the north coast of Peru. They begin with the Cotton Preceramic site of Huaynuná w...Chavin, the early horizon and the initial periodessay 1987 • Pozorski, Thomas George & Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors re-examine and re-interpret preexisting definitions for the Initial period and Early Horizon using a variety of evidence: ceramics, absolute dates, iconography, and architecture. They find that the "Mother Culture" of all subsequent Andea...Temple, palais ou entrepot?essay 1999 • Pozorski, Thomas George & Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors assess the premise that all Initial period monumental structures in Peru were huacas or sacred places. Their fieldwork in the Casma Valley on the north coast suggests otherwise and they propose the re-examination of other platform mound c...Chavin, the early horizon and the initial periodessay 1987 • Pozorski, Thomas George & Pozorski, Shelia Griffis
Coastal Andean Late Formative • South America > Central Andes
The authors reassess existing definitions of the Initial Period and Early Horizon, considering evidence from ceramics, absolute dating, iconography, and architecture, and including a discussion of Preceramic through Early Period polities and interact...References citedessay 1987 • Haas, Jonathan et al.
Coastal Andean Archaic • South America > Central Andes
This document contains the references for Feldman 1987, "Architectural evidence for the development of nonegalitarian …"...References citedessay 1987 • Haas, Jonathan et al.
Coastal Andean Early Formative • South America > Central Andes
This document contains the references for S. Pozorski (1987), and for Pozorski and Pozorski (1987)...References citedessay 1987 • Haas, Jonathan et al.
Coastal Andean Late Formative • South America > Central Andes
This document contains the references for Haas (1987), S. Pozorski and T. Pozorski (1987), S. Pozorski (1987), T. Pozorski and S. Pozorski (1987), Wilson (1987), and Dagett (1987), in the volume [i]The origins and development of the Andean state[/i],...References citedessay 1987 • Haas, Jonathan et al.
Chimu • South America > Central Andes
This document contains the bibliographical references for documents from the volume [i]The Origins and Development of the Andean State[/i], edited by Haas, S. Pozorski, and T. Pozorski (1987), including: Klymyshyn (1987), Mackey (1987), and T. Pozors...