Tradition Summary
essay 2015 Proulx, Donald A.

NazcaSouth America > Central Andes
This is a summary of the Nazca tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Nazca archaeological tradition....

A sourcebook of Nasca ceramic iconography
Book 2006 Proulx, Donald A.

NazcaSouth America > Central Andes
The author examined more than six thousand decorated ceramic vessels to develop a classification and interpretation of Nazca iconographic themes, mostly pertaining to stylistic phases 2-7 (circa 2000-1350 BP, or AD 1-650). The final chapter provides ...

The Nasca
Book 2002 Silverman, Helaine & Proulx, Donald A.

NazcaSouth America > Central Andes
This is a synthesis that aims to reconstruct the societal context for the existing archaeological record of Nazca material culture. The authors describe ceramics and iconography, sites and settlement patterns, the religious center of Cahuachi, agricu...