Tradition summary
essay 2009 Rothman, Mitchell S.

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
This is a summary of the Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia Tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamian archaeological tradition....

essay 2001 Rothman, Mitchell S.

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
This work consists of bibliograpical citations relevant to eHRAF documents 18-29 in this collection....

The local and the regional
essay 2001 Rothman, Mitchell S.

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
This article is a review and critique of a series of essays by such prominent scholars as Algaze, Wright, Nissen, Pollock, Stein, Rothman, Schwartz, and D'Altroy, on the problems inherent in establishing a chronological framework for the Greater Meso...

The Tigris piedmont, eastern Jazira, and the highland western Iran in the fourth millennium B.C.
essay 2001 Rothman, Mitchell S.

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
In this document Rothman discusses the general approach that has been taken toward understanding the so-called Uruk Expansion, arguing that it has placed too much emphasis on the power and role of the south and also makes a number of questionable ass...