Environmetal heterogeneity and the Evolution of lowland Maya civilization
essay 1977 Sanders, William T.

Preclassic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
In this chapter, Sanders looks at a study of soil types in the Petén region to lend support to Webster's competition model of the rise of Mayan civilization. According to Webster competition over good agricultural land led to inequitable control, whi...

The basin of Mexico
essay 1979 Sanders, William T. et al.

Highland Mesoamerican Late PreclassicMiddle America and the Caribbean > General Middle America and the Caribbean
This monograph represents the results of field research conducted over a period of 15 years (1960-1975), in the Basin of Mexico. Although Sanders covers a wide range of archaeological periods from the Early Horizon to the Late Horizon (ca. 1500 BC to...