essay 1983 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth),

Early Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This work consists in its entirety of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 33 to 45 in this collection....

Cazador stage
essay 1983 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

Early Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This study discusses a new stage in the Cochise cultural sequence that is transitional between the Sulphur Spring and Chiricahua stages. This intermediate stage has been designated Cazador, after the name of an old community near Douglas, Arizona. Th...

Archaeological analysis
essay 1983 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth),

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This paper attempts to reconstruct Cochise culture in terms of four sequential stages -- Sulphur Spring, Cazador, Chiricahua, and San Pedro -- based on the analysis of approximately 4,000 stone artifacts from more than 100 sites in the southern part ...

Chiricahua stage
essay 1983 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The Chiricahua stage of the Cochise culture was originally synthesized comparing the rich collection of artifacts from the Cave Creek midden ...with the material found in geological context at sites along Whitewater Draw (p. 114). Those sites w...

San Pedro stage
essay 1983 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The San Pedro stage marks the final phase of the Cochise developmental sequence, and is primarily known from artifacts obtained from: (1) sites exposed in arroyo banks with geological context; (2) caves, and (3) surface sites, identified typologicall...

Early pottery horizon
essay 1983 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

Middle-Late Desert ArchaicNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Although the Early Pottery horizon immediately follows the San Pedro stage of the Cochise culture sequence in southeastern Arizona, this document is included here to provide some context for the continuity of many Cochise traits from one archaeologic...

essay 1965 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a detailed description of the Hohokam house style, its evolution through time (pioneer, colonial, and sedentary periods), and its comparison to other similar structures of the prehistoric and historic cultures of the Southwest (e.g., Anasazi,...

Disposal of the dead
essay 1965 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This article by Sayles discusses the disposal of the dead by the Hohokam during the early years of their existence in the Southwest. The author notes that cremation was the general custom of disposing of the dead during all phases at Snaketown, and o...

essay 1965 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This document illustrates and describes in detail the various stone implements, bowls, carved effigies, and weapons found at the Snaketown archaeological site in Arizona. In this study Sayles groups these stone objects into three main groups: abradin...

Perishable materials
essay 1965 Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This discussion focuses on evidence of perishable materials found at Snaketown consisting of wooden objects of indeterminate nature, impressions of basketry and matting on clay, textiles which haave undergone mineral repalcement, charred textiles and...

An early pit house village of the Mogollon culture, Forestdale Valley, Arizona
essay 1985 Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter) & Sayles, E. B. (Edwin Booth)

MogollonNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Haury excavated at the Bluff Site when archaeologists were just beginning to realize there was a separate archaeological tradition in eastern Arizona that was not Hohokam nor Anasazi. This document is one of the ones that proved the existence of the ...

essay 1965 Gladwin, Harold Sterling et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This work consists in its entirety of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 54-78 in this archaeological collection....

Analysis of pottery in Mound 29
essay 1965 Gladwin, Harold Sterling et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The tables presented in this document give the percentages of sherds according to phases in the sections of the three stratitests of Mound 29 at Snaketown. For all phases excepting the Vahki the figures are based on painted pottery only as the plain ...