Architecture and symbolism in transitional pueblo development in the Mimbres Valley, sw New Mexico
article 1995 Shafer, Harry J.

MogollonNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Shafer describes the changes in domestic architecture, burials, and the painted designs on the ceramics that occurred during the Three Circle phase at NAN ruin and throughout New Mexico. These changes seem to symbolize the Mogollon cosmology of a mul...

The Colha preceramic project
article 1996 Hester, Thomas R. et al.

Lowland Mesoamerican ArchaicMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
This article is a brief presentation of the findings from the 1993-1994 field seasons at Operation 4046 at Colha. Brief descriptions of the other findings from northern Belize and other excavations at Colha are also given. Zone D at Operation 4046 is...