The Preclassic origin of lowland Maya states
essay 1992 Sharer, Robert J.

Preclassic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
This is a brief review of recent archaeological investigations of Preclassic Lowland Mayan sites that points to an indigenous origin of the Mayan state in the Late Preclassic period. Sharer discusses the sites of Nakbe and El Mirador in northern Guat...

Tradition summary
essay 2000 Sharer, Robert J.

Classic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
This is a summary of the Classic Maya Tradition....

Book 1990 Sharer, Robert J.

Classic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
Sharer describes the Classic Mayan center of Quirgua. Most of the book is spent on giving the physical description of it's monuments and structures. Along with the physical descriptions of the monuments Sharer tells the reader a little bit about what...

Terminal events in the southeastern lowlands
essay 1985 Sharer, Robert J.

Postclassic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
The southeast Maya lowlands were an important zone of economic and political interaction between the Maya and peoples of the northwest periphery of Central America (p. 245). Although Quirigua is generally considered as a Terminal Classic site, it is ...

The ancient Maya
Book 1994 Sharer, Robert J. & Morley, Sylvanus Griswold

Classic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
This is an excellent introduction to classic Mayan civilization and includes discussions about the preclassic and postclassic periods. In the first half of the book, Sharer discusses the Maya on a period-by-period and site-by-site basis. In the secon...