The Dixthada site
article 1975 Shinkwin, Anne D.

Proto-AthapaskansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Shinkwin briefly describes the findings of the 1971 excavations at Dixthada, a site on Fish Creek near Mansfield Village in the Tanana River Valley in Alaska. Rainey, who excavated mostly in t...

Dakah de'nin's village and the Dixthada site
Book 1979 Shinkwin, Anne D.

Proto-AthapaskansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Shinkwin excavated two houses and partially excavated a third at Dakah de'nin's village in 1973 and analyzed the site's archaeological collection. She also analyzed the archaeological collecti...

The 'archaeological visibility' of Northern Athapaskans in the Tanana River area, central Alaska
essay 1977 Shinkwin, Anne D.

Proto-AthapaskansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Shinkwin looks at the available archaeological data to determine how 'visible' Northern Athapaskans are archaeologically. She believes Athapaskan culture is archaeologically represented only t...