Excavations at Camata
Book 2001 Steadman, Lee

Highland Andean FormativeSouth America > Central Andes
Steadman cleared a train-cut, drew the profile, and excavated several units along the train-cut at the site of Camata along the northwestern shore of Lake Titicaca; Peru. She then analyzed and described the ceramics as her dissertation. The sequence ...

Archaeological research at Tumatumani, Juli, Peru
Book 1994 Stanish, Charles et al.

Andean Regional DevelopmentSouth America > Central Andes
This sudy is based on a 360 sq.km. pedestrian survey of the Juli-Pomata region and the excavations of the elite-ceremonial site of Tumatumani, near the town of Juli, in the southwestern Titicaca Basin of southern Peru. Using a sophisticated analysis ...