Population trends at Moundville
essay 1998 Steponaitis, Vincas P.

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
At Moundville, most midden deposits date to the Moundville I phase, but the vast majority of burials date to the Moundvill II and III phases. Relative abundances of sherds suggest that Moundville's resident population peaked between A.D. 1050 and 130...

essay 1998 Knight, Vernon J. & Steponaitis, Vincas P.

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This work consists of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 22-30 in the Mississippian file....

A new history of Moundville
essay 1998 Knight, Vernon J. & Steponaitis, Vincas P.

MississippianNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
By the late twentieth century there have been several advances in archaeologist's understanding of the specifics of Moundville' s developmental history. For example, critical segments of the regional chronology have been refined. Differences between ...