The Gårdlösa research project
essay 1981 Stjernquist, Berta

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This is mostly a research plan with little reporting of actual fieldwork. Sternquist gives a theoretical background of settlement archaeology, the overall objectives of the Gårdlösa investigation, and methodology. The article includes three maps and ...

essay 1981 Stjernquist, Berta

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This is a roundtable discussion of the Gårdlösa findings by the researchers. They discuss settlement patterns, cultivation practices, soil type and fertility, ecology, burial practices, population, and dating....

The archaeological fieldwork, the features, and the finds
essay 1993 Stjernquist, Berta

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This document presents an in-depth study of the archaeological excavations at the Iron Age community of Gårdlösa located in southeastern Sweden, undertaken between the years of 1960 to 1976. The author describes all the archaeological remains from th...

Chronological, economic, and social analyses
essay 1981 Stjernquist, Berta

Scandinavian Iron AgeEurope > Scandinavia
This is the third volume published on the Gårdlösa Iron Age site (see documents 5-16 and 18). The first chapter dates each house and grave using radiocarbon dating and artifact identification. The chronology reveals a continuous occupation from the 1...