Mid-Holocene faunal exploitation in the southeastern United States
essay 1996 Styles, Bonnie Whatley & Klippel, Walter E.

Eastern Middle ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Styles and Klippel look at faunal data from 6 sites with Middle Archaic components (Modoc Rock Shelter, Black Earth, Russel Cave, Austin, Hayes, and Check Bend Cave). One change noted throughout the region (at non-coastal sites) is a greater reliance...

Modoc Rock Shelter revisited
essay 1983 Styles, Bonnie Whatley et al.

Eastern Middle ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Additional excavation carried out at Modoc Rock Shelter used more refined techniques to re-analyze the stratigraphy and collect additional floral and faunal remains, artifacts, and additional radiocarbon dates. This article summarizes the results of ...

Analysis of faunal remains
book chapter 1992 Thorson, Paula J. & Styles, Bonnie Whatley

Eastern Late ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Thorson and Styles analyzed the Late Archaic faunal remains. The remains came from screened and floated material. '…Forest and forest edge were important resources zones for all occupationshellip;' (page 72). Fish was most abundant in Strata 8EC and ...

Analysis of 1984 stratum 8E levels
book chapter 1992 Ahler, Steven R. & Styles, Bonnie Whatley

Eastern Late ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Ahler and Styles analyzed the 1984 data for the Stratum 8E levels to determine if they represent a residential camp or a resource extraction location. To do this they needed to analyze the assemblage diversity. However, during the 1987 excavations, S...

Summary and integration
book chapter 1992 Ahler, Steven R. & Styles, Bonnie Whatley

Eastern Late ArchaicNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Analysis of the data indicate the site changed in use during the 1000 year period of the Late Archaic. A Falling Springs component is represented in Strata 9E and 8EC. During this time period the inhabitants used Modoc Rock Shelter as a long term bas...