Frontiers, barriers, and crises today
essay 1994 Sullivan, Alan P.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Sullivan uses data from the Wupatki National Monument survey to examine how boundaries may have arisen. Ceramic data indicate the area was settled by the Anasazi after 870 BP (AD 1130). Many one room masonry structures contained few artifacts and may...

Risk, anthropogenic environments, and western Anasazi subsistence
essay 1996 Sullivan, Alan P.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Many of our current conceptions of environment/culture interaction in the prehistoric Anasazi Southwest are based on premises regarding plant-use and human behavior that are rarely scrutinized critically. In this article the author examines the found...

The archaeology of an agave roasting location
essay 1992 Van Buren, Mary et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Site 205 is a small agave agricultural site containing a few rockpiles and a small roasting pit. Also found were ceramics and some lithics. The site was excavated with the aid of University of Arizona undergraduate field students. The ceramics at the...