Hohokam ceramics, Hohokam beliefs
essay 2007 Whittlesey, Stephanie Michelle

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Pots are more than household equipment. They can express religious beliefs and be a way for people to express their identity. Whittlesley studies 'ceramics to explore Hohokam ideology, beliefs, and ritual.' (page 65). She confines her analysis to the...

The Mogollon
book chapter 1997 Reid, J. Jefferson & Whittlesey, Stephanie Michelle

MogollonNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Reid and Whittlesey write a summary of the Mogollon that includes descriptions of the environment, the past research that lead to their discovery, their origins, and development from the Early Pithouse Period to the Mogollon Pueblo Period. The Pueblo...

Hohokam households, settlement structure, and economy in the Lower Verde Valley
essay 2000 Ciolek-Torrello, Richard et al.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Most studies of prehistoric household organization have focused on identifying and describing households as elements of social structure. Such studies have taken a static view of households that emphasize continuity in form through time and space. In...