New models of social structure at the Palo Pardo site
essay 1987 Wilcox, David R.

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Wilcox re-examines the data from the site of Palo Parado excavated by Di Peso in the 1950s. He finds the site had three periods of occupation; one during the Colonial and Sedentary periods, a second during the Classic period, and a third during the h...

Pueblo III people and polity in relational context
essay 1996 Wilcox, David R.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Wilcox takes a regional approach to the Pueblo III period, examining the area from the regional perspective of southwestern North America and discussing regional interactions, such as long-distance trade. He examines interactions between Anasazi comm...

Hohokam ballcourts and their interpretation
Book 1983 Wilcox, David R. & Sternberg, Charles

HohokamNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This report is a systematic, comparatiave study of Hohokam features inferred to be ballcourts. It is designed to contribute to our understanding of the cultural significance of Snaketown, an internationally renowned national historic landmark. The ba...

The scream of the butterfly
essay 1994 Wilcox, David R. & Haas, Jonathan

Late AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Wilcox and Haas review the evidence for warfare, raiding, violence, and conflict in the Southwest from Basketmaker II to the Pueblo IV period and include the Anasazi, Basketmaker, Hohokam, and Mogollon traditions. Only the data that pertain to the La...

essay 1994 Wilcox, David R. & Gumerman, George J.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This document contains the references for documents 89 and 90....

The scream of the butterfly
essay 1994 Wilcox, David R. et al.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Wilcox and Haas review the evidence for warfare, raiding, violence, and conflict in the Southwest from Basketmaker II to the Pueblo IV period and include the Anasazi, Basketmaker, Hohokam, and Mogollon traditions. Only the data that pertain to the Ea...