eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Tradition Summaryessay 2011 • Wills, W. H. (Wirt Henry)
Middle-Late Desert Archaic • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is a summary of the Middle - Late Desert Archaic Tradition. Information is presented on major aspects of the Middle - Late Desert Archaic archaeological tradition....The transition from the Preceramic to Ceramic period in the Mogollon Highlands of western New Mexicoarticle 1996 • Wills, W. H. (Wirt Henry)
Mogollon • North America > Southwest and Basin
Wills examined the earlier data from excavations at the SU site, the type site for the Pine Lawn phase, in conjunction with his more recent excavations at that site. Will shows that the earlier ceramic seriation by the Field Museum is probably inaccu...Early prehistoric agriculture in the American SouthwestBook 1988 • Wills, W. H. (Wirt Henry) & School Of American Research (Santa Fe, N.M.)
Middle-Late Desert Archaic • North America > Southwest and Basin
Wills proposes a new hypothesis for the adoption of agriculture in the Southwest that emphasizes social organization and the socioeconomic system rather than climate and the environment. He points out that hunter-gatherers will not acquire domesticat...Complex adaptive systems and Southwestern prehistoryessay 1994 • Wills, W. H. (Wirt Henry) et al.
Early Anasazi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Wills et al. examine the theories that pertain to agricultural strategies, land use, resource depletion, population density, aggregation, and mobility. The archaeological data is then consulted to see if the theories explain the data....