Northern Archaic settlement and subsistence patterns at Agiak Lake, Brooks Range, Alaska
article 2008 Wilson, Aaron K.

Northern ArchaicNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
The authors examine two tent ring sites at Agiak Lake to determine whether they contain evidence of dispersed small groups assembling periodically for such activities as communal hunting, or whether the large number of tent rings near the lake repres...

Two Northern Archaic tent ring settlements at Agiak Lake, Central Brooks Range, Alaska
article 2007 Wilson, Aaron K. & Slobodina, Natalia S.

Northern ArchaicNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
The authors surveyed and mapped features around Agiak Lake—including tent rings to the north and south, and two caribou driveline complexes over a kilometer long to the east—and excavated nine tent rings. The findings are described. Calibrated radioc...