Dusicyon sechurae, en contextos arqueológicos tempranos
book chapter 1988 Wing, Elizabeth S.

Early Northwest South American LittoralSouth America > Northwestern South America
In this article, in Spanish, Wing discusses the presence of a fox or wolf-like species (Dusicyon sechurae) found at the Las Vegas site in Ecuador and its occurrence at other archaeological locations in the area. The author notes that the skeletal rem...

Restos fáunicos
book chapter 1988 Chase, Thomas & Wing, Elizabeth S.

Early Northwest South American LittoralSouth America > Northwestern South America
This document, in Spanish, discusses the major faunal remains excavated at the Las Vegas site located on the Santa Elena peninsula of Ecuador. The author describes systematically the mammals, reptiles, and fish found at the site, and notes their plac...

The ecology and economy of Cuello
essay 1991 Miksicek, Charles H. et al.

Preclassic MayaMiddle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
This is a report in two parts on the faunal and fauna remains of Cuello. The researchers collected seed, wood charcoal, mollusk, and bones from different strata and features, such as caches (CHULTUNS). A total of 250 flotation samples were taken from...

Primer informe sobre los fitolitos de las plantas del sitio OGSE-80 y la evidencia del cultivo de maíze en el Ecuador
book chapter 1988 Piperno, Dolores R. et al.

Early Northwest South American LittoralSouth America > Northwestern South America
This study, in Spanish, is a phytolithic investigation of the various plants found at the Las Vegas site (OGSE-80) on the Santa Elena peninsula, Ecuador. Piperno also discusses evidence for maize cultivation at the site which she dates to the late La...