Cultural action in the Uruk world
essay 2001 Wright, Henry T. (Henry Tutwiler)

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
Wright in this essay on the Uruk world believes that the Uruk expansion period lasted hundreds of years longer than earlier scholars had thought; more than a thousand years in his estimate. He describes the size and diversity of the region surveyed a...

The southern margins of Sumer
book chapter 1981 Wright, Henry T. (Henry Tutwiler)

Early Dynastic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
Wright describes his field survey and his findings from the area around Ur and Eridu. He gives an idea of the settlement patterns and describes some of the ceramics. The survey encountered remains from the Eridu Period (circa 7000 B.P. or 5000 B.C.) ...

essay 1996 Wright, Henry T. (Henry Tutwiler)

Late Paleo-IndianNorth America > General North America
Wright comments on the papers in this volume (eHRAF numbers 2-25). He compares Paleoindian research in the Southeast with that in the Great Lakes area and Europe. Wright discusses some future research he would like to see. He especially would like to...

Calibrated radiocarbon age determinations of Uruk-related assemblages
essay 2001 Wright, Henry T. (Henry Tutwiler) & Rupley, E. S. A.

Late Chalcolithic MesopotamiaMiddle East > Middle East
Wright and Rupley present in this study calibrated radiocarbon age determinations of several Uruk-related site assemblages scattered throughout the greater Mesopotamian area (Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey). Where possible chronologically relevant arc...