The role of population movement and technology transfer in the manufacture of prehistoric Southwestern ceramics
essay 1995 Zedeño, María Nieves

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Differential distributions of prehistoric ceramics over broad areas of the American Southwest are often interpreted as the result of exchange networks of varied magnitude and complexity. Much effort has been devoted to the reconstruction of the ceram...

A demographic overview of the late Pueblo III period in the mountains of east-central Arizona
essay 1996 Reid, J. Jefferson et al.

Early AnasaziNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Reid et al. discuss the changes that occurred in the Point of Pines, Forestdale, and Grasshopper regions, especially late in the 13th century AD. At that time Anasazi immigrants settled at some of the larger pueblos in the Mogollon area during the he...