book chapter

Prehistoric hunters of the high Andes

Academic PressNew York • Published In 1980 • Pages: i-xix, 1-190, 232-252, 262-360

By: Rick, John W..

In this book Rick writes of his research in central Peru. There he and others studied the preceramic settlement patterns in an area of the Mantaro drainage. Twenty-six sites were found. Two sites were excavated: Pachamachay, which is a base camp, and Pampacancha, which is thought to be a hunting camp. Rick discusses the puna environment of central Peru and details the habits of the vicuna (the primary resource) and what hunting strategies would have been best. The artifacts found are analyzed, especially the stone tools and debitage, and Rick makes a case for year-round use of the puna habitat. Rick compresses the data from Pachamachay into one time period to analyze the data synchronically. Therefore, as he did not distinguish between the time periods, most of the data was indexed for the time period 12,000 B.P.-3500 B.P. (10,000 B.C to 1500 B.C.). When Rick does distinguish between time periods (as in pages 316-326) only the data that pertain to the 7000 B.P.-3500 B.P. (5000 B.C.-1500 B.C.) time period were indexed for OCM (Outline of Cultural Materials) codes.
Mineral resources
Annual cycle
Lithic industries
Settlement patterns
General tools
Cultural stratigraphy
Typologies and classifications
Highland Andean Archaic
HRAF PubDate
South America
Sub Region
Central Andes
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2002
Field Date
1974 and 1975
Coverage Date
12,000 BP-3600 BP; but mainly 9000 BP-3600 BP (10,000 B.C.-1600 B.C.; but mainly 7000 B.C.-1600 B.C.)
Coverage Place
Pachamachay; Peru
John W. Rick
Includes bibliographical references (p. 343-352) and index
Pages 191-231 will be found in 11: Pearsall; Pages 253-256 will be found in 12: Wright; Pages 257-261 will be found in 13: Burger
Indians of South America--Andes--Antiquities