The 'archaeological visibility' of Northern Athapaskans in the Tanana River area, central Alaska: a discussion
problems in the prehistory of the north american subarctic : the athapaskan question • Calgary • Published In 1977 • Pages: 40-45
By: Shinkwin, Anne D..
Shinkwin looks at the available archaeological data to determine how 'visible' Northern Athapaskans are archaeologically. She believes Athapaskan culture is archaeologically represented only to A.D. 1000. The earlier archaeological collections are too dissimilar from the later ones to be linked. She discusses the types of data that are needed to get a clearer picture of Athapaskan prehistory.
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Arctic and Subarctic
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- Notes
- Ann D. Shinkwin
- For bibliographical references see 39: References cited
- 80494866
- Athapaskan Indians--Antiquities