late lowland maya civilization : classic to postclassic • Albuquerque • Published In 1986 • Pages: 3-13
By: Sabloff, Jeremy A., Andrews, E. Wyllys (Edward Wyllys).
This chapter is an introduction to eHRAF documents numbered 31-42. In describing the chapters of the book edited by Sabloff and Andrews a brief overview of the Postclassic Maya emerges.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2001
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Maya Area
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry ; 2000
- Field Date
- no date
- Coverage Date
- 1200 BP-480 BP (800 A.D.-1520 A.D.0
- Coverage Place
- Lowland Maya; Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico
- Notes
- Jeremy A. Sabloff and E. Wyllys Andrews V
- For bibliographical references see document number 6:Anonymous
- 85016513
- Mayas--Antiquities