miscellaneous structures

Broader Term: structures0 Documents

Publication Date
Abd el-Hagg Ragab, MohammedA Report on the excavations of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization at Beni Amir and Gez. el-Masha'la in the Eastern Desert1992
Adams, BarbaraElite tombs at Hierakonpolis1996
Adams, Richard E. W.Rio Bec archaeology and the rise of Maya civilization1977
Aldred, CyrilEgypt to the end of the Old Kingdom1992
Anderson, David G.The Savannah River chiefdoms1994
Andrews, E. Wyllys (Edward Wyllys)Excavations at Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico1980
Arana A., Raúl M.Classic and Postclassic Chalcatzingo1987
Bennett, Wendell ClarkExcavations at Wari, Ayacucho, Peru1953
Carskadden, JeffLiving on the edge1997
Castro-Leal Espino, MarciaTzintzuntzan1986
Chase, Arlen F. (Arlen Frank)Postclassic Peten interaction spheres1985
Clay, R. BerleThe essential features of Adena ritual and their implications1998
Clay, R. BerleAdena ritual spaces1986
Conklin, William J.The patterns of art and power in the Early Intermediate Period1988
Conrad, Geoffrey W.The burial platforms of Chan Chan2010
Conrad, Lawrence A.The Middle Mississippian cultures of the central Illinois river valley1991
Copeland, Denise Ranae EvansExcavations in the Monos Complex, El Mirador, Peten, Guatemala1989
Cotter, John L.Archeology of the Bynum Mounds, Mississippi1951
Dragoo, Don W.Mounds for the dead1963
Dreyer, GünterRecent discoveries in the U-Cemetery at Abydos1992
Dye, TomArchaeological investigations on Tafahi Island1988
Edwards, I. E. S. (Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen)The Early Dynastic Period in Egypt1971
Emerson, Thomas E.The Apple River Mississippian culture of northwestern Illinois1991
Emery, Walter B. (Walter Bryan)Archaic Egypt1972
Folan, William J.The ruins of Coba1983
Gerhardt, Juliette CartwrightPreclassic Maya architecture at Cuello, Belize1988
Gerhardt, Juliette CartwrightThe community of Cuello1991
Gibbon, Guy E.The Middle Mississippian presence in Minnesota1991
Goad, Sharon I.Copena burial practices and social organization1980
Goldstein, LynneAncient Aztalan1991
Hall, Robert L.Cahokia identity and interaction models of Cahokia Mississippian1991
Hammond, NormanStratigraphy and chronology in the reconstruction of Preclassic developments at Cuello1991
Haviland, William A.Excavations in small residential groups of Tikal1985
Hays, Christopher T. (Christopher Tinsley)Adena mortuary patterns and ritual cycles in the upper Scioto River Valley, Ohio2005
Hurley, William MichaelAn analysis of effigy mound complexes in Wisconsin1975
Hyslop, JohnAn archaeological investigation of the Lupaca Kingdom and its origins1997
Isbell, William HarrisThe rural foundation for urbanism1977
Isbell, William HarrisHuari administration and the orthogonal cellular architecture horizon1991
Kemp, Barry J.Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and Second Intermediate Period c. 2686-1552 BC1983
Kenoyer, Jonathan MarkAn upper paleolithic shrine in India1983
Kirch, Patrick VintonNiuatoputapu1988
Knight, Vernon J.Moundville as a diagrammatic ceremonial center1998
KondŌ, YoshirŌThe keyhole tumulus and its relationship to earlier forms of burial1986
Kroeper, KarlaTombs of the elite in Minshat Abu Omar1992
Lauer, Jean PhilippeSaqqara1976
Lumbreras, Luis GuillermoThe Wari Empire1974
Macias Goytia, AngelinaHuandacareo, lugar de juicios, tribunal1990
Mainfort, Robert C.Middle Woodland ceremonialism at Pinson Mounds, Tennessee1988
Mainfort, Robert C.Pinson Mounds1986
Mallam, R. ClarkThe Iowa Effigy Mound manifestation1976
Marsadolov, LeonidThe Cimmerian traditions of the Gordian tumuli (Phrygia)2000
Matheny, Ray T.Preliminary field report El Mirador, 1979 season1980
McCown, Theodore DoneyPre-Incaic Huamachuco1945
McKern, W. C. (Will Carleton)Archaeology of Tonga1929
Milanich, Jerald T.McKeithen Weeden Island1984
Miller, Arthur G.The Postclassic sequence of Tancah and Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico1985
Milner, George R.The Cahokia chiefdom1998
Poulsen, JensArchaeology and prehistory1977
Scarborough, Vernon L.The dispersed settlement1986
Sharer, Robert J.The Preclassic origin of lowland Maya states1992
Sharer, Robert J.The ancient Maya1994
Spencer, A. JeffreyThe early dynasties1993
Stjernquist, BertaThe archaeological fieldwork, the features, and the finds1993
Webb, William S. (William Snyder)The Adena people1974
Webb, William SWebb, William S. (William Snyder), nyderThe Adena people, no. 21973
Welch, Paul D.Outlying sites within the Moundville chiefdom1998
Wilk, Richard R.The community of Cuello1991