book chapter

Chogha Mish

Oriental Institute of the University of ChicagoChicago • Published In 1996 • Pages: i-lvi, 1-306, 505-1046

By: Delougaz, Pinhas, Kantor, Helene J., Alizadeh, Abbas.

This document is a detailed description and analysis of the excavations and concomitant finds at the archaeological site of Chogha Mish during the authors' fieldwork to the area in the period of 1961-1971. The primary emphasis in this work is on the Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamian tradition at this site incorporating only those data relevant to the Protoliterate, Uruk, Ubaid 4, and Late Susiana periods. The document is divided into two major parts. Part 1 is the text portion of this monograph, while part 2 provides the illustrations, photos , site plans, and maps which help to clarify certain points being made in the text. Basically this study leans heavily toward the material culture aspects at the site providing an abundance of information on pottery types, stone vessels, tools, and other artifacts, clay stoppers and seals, and glyptic designs (all with a strong emphasis on the Protoliterate period). More specific information on other aspects of archaeology will not be found in this document but appear in this collection as follows: Woosley on early agriculture at Chogha Mish, see document no. 33; cranial deformation of a human skull, see Ortner, document no. 34; carbon 14 determination pertaining to some plant identifications, see Delougaz, no. 35; test resullts of five bitumen samples, see Marschner, no. 36; and index and loci of finds at this site, see Alizadeh, no. 37.
Ceramic technology
Typologies and classifications
Cultural stratigraphy
Visual arts
Mnemonic devices
Property in movables
Comparative evidence
General tools
Late Chalcolithic Mesopotamia
HRAF PubDate
Middle East
Sub Region
Middle East
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Document Rating
5: Excellent Primary Data
John Beierle; 2007
Field Date
Coverage Date
6000-5000 BP (4000-3000 BC)
Coverage Place
Chogha Mish, Khuzestan, Iran
by Pinhas Delougaz and Helene J. Kantor ; edited by Abbas Alizadeh
v. 1. The first five seasons of excavations, 1961-1971 (2 v. :pt. 1. Text, pt. 2. Plates)
Includes bibliographical references (xxvii-lv) and indexes
Roman numerals in Text, part 2 Plates are repaginated as 509-528; the plates have been paginated 529-1
Excavations (Archaeology)--Iran--Chogha Mish/Chogha Mish (Iran)--Antiquities