The Late prehistory of the eastern Sahel: the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Shaqadud, Sudan

Southern Methodist University PressDallas • Published In 1991 • Pages:

By: Marks, Anthony E., Mohammed-Ali, Abbas S., Magid, Elanwar A., Robertson, Robin, Peters, Joris, de Paepe, Paul, Masucci, Maria.

Several authors collaborated to write this preliminary report on the excavations at Shaqadud; an international, interdisciplinary project. Shaqadud is actually several sites in and around a box canyon. S1-A and S1-B are the main sites discussed in this volume. S1-A is a cave with stratified, late Neolithic deposits. S1-B is a Khartoum Mesolithic to Khartoum Neolithic stratified midden in front of the cave. It covers a large section of the floor of the canyon. The midden clearly shows the development and evolution of Khartoum Neolithic ceramics from the Khartoum Mesolithic through Khartoum Neolithic time periods. S1-C and S1-D are smaller sites, one is located above the cave and the other is at the mouth of the box canyon. Two other sites are discussed in an appendix: S-21 and S-17. This volume emphasized the ceramics and stone tools from the cave and the midden. These are discussed in great detail in order to establish a local chronology. Faunal analysis for the Shaqadud sites is also discussed. It appears Shaqadud's little contact with the Nile Valley (there are very few artifacts that could have come from there) is mostly found in shared general techniques of ceramic decoration and in the general range of tool types produced. The inhabitants appear to have practice a general hunter-gatherer subsistence economy with perhaps some cereal agriculture. But this may not have been very labor intensive as, even today, the people of the area grow sorghum by broadcasting the seeds and then lightly raking them into the soil.
Reviews and critiques
Ceramic technology
Lithic industries
General tools
Visual arts
Cultural stratigraphy
Typologies and classifications
Khartoum Neolithic
HRAF PubDate
Sub Region
Northern Africa
Creator Type
Document Rating
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 1998
Field Date
1981 - 1983
Coverage Date
7056 ± 321 BP to 3500 BP
Coverage Place
Shaqadud: Sudan
edited by Anthony E. Marks and Abbas Mohammed-Ali
Includes bibliographical references (p. 283-292)
Neolithic period--Sudan