The ceramics of Todsen Cave
preliminary investigations of the archaic in the region of las cruces, new mexico • (9) • Published In 1993 • Pages: 303-316
By: Hill, David V..
Hill describes the methods used to analyze the ceramics found at Todsen Cave. The different ceramic types are described - most were brownwares; refittings were attempted; the stratigraphy the various ceramic types were found in is described; changes in rim morphology are described; and petrographic analysis was conducted to determine sources of the temper. The temper indicates people lived east of the Rio Grands and seasonally occupied Todsen Cave.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2010
- Field Date
- 1986-1987
- Coverage Date
- 1750–1100 BP (AD 250–900)
- Coverage Place
- Todsen Cave, south-central New Mexico, United States
- Notes
- David V. Hill
- 'Publication of this report was supported by funding from the Legacy Resource Management Program of the Department of Defense'
- For bibliographical references see document 7: MacNeish
- Indians of North America--New Mexico--Antiquities
- Indians of Mexico--Mexico--Chihuahua--Antiquities
- Chihuahua (Mexico : State)--Antiquities
- New Mexico--Antiquities