Projectile point classification and Middle Archaic stratigraphic relationships in the Picacho area
Prehistoric hunter-gatherers of south central Arizona: the Picacho Reservoir Archaic Project, by Frank E. Bayham, Donald H. Morris, M. Steven Shackley • (13) • Published In 1986 • Pages: 217-246
By: Bayham, Frank E..
Bayham examines and analyzes the projectile points from various sites at the Picacho Reservoir and he compares the points from the Buried Dune (AA:3:16)and Arroyo (AA:3:28) sites. Both these sites have C-14 dates and indications that their stratigraphy is fairly intact. He examined the feasibility of using Chiricahua and San Jose/Pinto points as time indicators. One problem with using projectile points as chronological indicators is that they are frequently re-used by later people in the Southwest. At the Buried Dune and Arroyo sites the Chiricahua and San Jose/Pinto points have mutually exclusive distributions but are contemporary. The two sites were also used at different seasons of the year and the Buried Dune site represents a short term occupation by a mobile group while the Arroyo site was intensively used for a longer duration.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2010
- Field Date
- 1983-1984
- Coverage Date
- Middle Archaic and Late Archaic and Protohistoric; 5000–4000 BP and 2640±220–1840±150 BP and 460±60 BP
- Coverage Place
- Picacho Reservoir area, south-central Arizona, United States
- Notes
- Frank E. Bayham
- For bibliographical references see document 22: Bayham, Morris, Shackley
- Indians of North America--Antiquities