Excavations at Snaketown, Harold S. Gladwin, Emil W. Haury, E. B. Sayles, Nora Gladwin • (25) • Published In 1965 • Pages: 19-35
By: Haury, Emil W. (Emil Walter).
This is a study of Snaketown chronology, based on the stratigraphic analysis of the contents of the numerous trash mounds at the site. Determination of the period-phase sequence at Snaketown was done primarily through the stratigraphic study of the position of pottery in the rubbish heaps which acted as the primary diagnostic of the chronological phases. This information, used in conjunction with changes that took place in architecture, stone, shell, figurines, etc., rounded out and completed the list of phase components..
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle; 2009
- Field Date
- no datae
- Coverage Date
- 2000-500 BP (AD 1-500)
- Coverage Place
- Snaketown, Arizona, United States
- Notes
- By Emil W. Haury
- For bibliographical references see document 53:Gladwin
- 65023304
- Hohokam culture
- Excavations (Archaeology)--Arizona--Snaketown
- Snaketown Site (Ariz.)