Late Sedentary - Early Classic period Hohokam agriculture: plant remains from the Marana community complex
studies in the hohokam community of marana • (15) • Published In 1987 • Pages: 197-216, 287-309
By: Miksicek, Charles H..
Miksicek analyzed the plant remains from the excavations at Marana. As predicted, plant remains correlated with expected site location and expected land use. The most maize plant remains were found at Locus E and indicate ak chin farming. The plant remains from Locus A, which is closest to Cottonwood Wash, also had maize along with weedy agricultural associated plants. Locus D, which is located farther from optimal floodwater farming areas had a more diverse plant assemblage. A cemetery near Locus D had the most unusual plant species and may indicate the cemetery may have been used by more than the people living in Locus D. Site AA:12:3 produced the most evidence for use of agave.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Southwest and Basin
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Paleobotanist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2009
- Field Date
- 1985
- Coverage Date
- 1040-750 BP (AD 960-1250)
- Coverage Place
- Marana community, Arizona, United States
- Notes
- Charles H. Miksicek
- Appendices to chapter nine: Plant remains at the Marana sites
- Contract No. 5-CS-30-02570
- For bibliographical references see document 147:Rice
- Hohokam culture
- Indians of North America Arizona Antiquities
- Excavations (Archaeology) Arizona
- Arizona Antiquities