
The outlier survey: a regional view of settlement in the San Juan basin

Division of Cultural Research, National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the InteriorAlbuquerque, N.M. • Published In 1983 • Pages: xix, 437

By: Powers, Robert P., Gillespie, William B., Lekson, Stephen H..

Powers et al. conducted detailed surveys around three Chacoan outliers: Bis sa'ani, Peach Springs, and Pierre's. The focus of their investigation was to determine the relationship between the Chacoan outliers and the great house sites in Chaco Canyon. At the three surveyed sites they recorded the physical environment including the soils and how suitable they were for agriculture, the settlement pattern, ceramics, and lithics. Temporal placement was based on ceramic types. Details of the Chacoan structures such as size, room height, and masonry style were also recorded. The data from the outlier surveys is used to present a regional synthesis: 'examining outlier chronology, community settlement patterns, regional settlement patterns, and site organization, environment and resource variability, outlier site type variability and morphology, and outlier lithics and ceramics from a regional perspective. To the degree possible, change over time is documented or postulated, thereby presenting an evolutionary view of the outlier phenomenon.' (page 19). Powers et al. used communities to examine the Chacoan regional system and found that substantial communities with great kivas arise around AD 500 and by AD 900 these communities have great houses or Chacoan structures. Powers et al. propose a site hierarchy for the system with Pueblo Bonito and Chetro Ketl at the apex.
Archaeological survey methods
Settlement patterns
Territorial hierarchy
Ceramic technology
Lithic industries
Chronologies and culture sequences
Early Anasazi
HRAF PubDate
North America
Sub Region
Southwest and Basin
Document Type
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry; 2011
Field Date
Coverage Date
1500-700 BP (AD 500-1300)
Coverage Place
San Juan Basin; Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah; United States
by Robert P. Powers, William B. Gillespie, Stephen H. Lekson
Includes bibliographical references (p. 393-416)and index
United States. National Park Service. Division of Cultural Research
Chaco culture
Chaco culture--New Mexico--Chaco Canyon
Chaco culture--San Juan River Watershed (Colo.-Utah) Land settlement patterns, Prehistoric--San Juan River Watershed (Colo.-Utah) Chaco Canyon (N.M.)--Antiquities
New Mexico--Antiquities
San Juan River Watershed (Colo.-Utah)--Antiquities