Teotihuacan: an experiment in living
University of Oklahoma Press • Norman • Published In 1997 • Pages:
By: Pasztory, Esther.
This monograph is a study by by Esther Pasztory of Teotihuacan based on an approach that the author calls structural and semiotic analysis. She analyzes the symbols expressed by the pyramid, the gods, the precinct of power, the apartment compound, painting, ceramics, and the representation of the human body. Immersed in the study of symbols, the work adopts the perspective that art is a reflection of the society that created it and is a mirror in which ideals can be perceived that do not always coincide with the reality producing them (p. xv).
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Central Mexico
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Art Historian
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle; 2009
- Field Date
- no date
- Coverage Date
- 2100-1250 BP (AD 100-750)
- Coverage Place
- Teotihuacán, Valley of Mexico
- Notes
- by Esther Pasztory ; foreword by Enrique Florescano
- Includes bibliographical references (p. [261]-272) and index
- 96032775
- Indian art--Mexico--Teotihuacán San Juan Teotihuacán, Mexico) Teotihuac´n Site (San Juan Teotihuac´n, Mexico)