Chalcatzingo jade and fine stone objects
ancient chalcatzingo • Austin • Published In 1987 • Pages: 295-304
By: Thomson, Charlotte W..
Thomson describes worked greenstone objects from the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo, particularly work in jadite which, along with sculpting of large stone monuments, was an Olmec innovation in Mesoamerica. Few specifics on dating are given except that nearly all specimens are said to pertain to the Cantera phase (2700-2500 B.P.) and comparisons are drawn almost exclusively to the contemporary Gulf Coast Olmec center of La Venta. Major categories of artifact discussed include figurines, pendants, earspools, beads, tools, drill cores (leftovers from tubular drilling), polishers (actually, 'magical' or 'shaman's' stones), and discs (probably from mosaic jewelry).
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Central Mexico
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Leon G. Doyon ; 2007
- Field Date
- 1972-1976
- Coverage Date
- 3150 BP-1100 BP
- Coverage Place
- Morelos, southern Veracruz and western Tabasco States, Mexico
- Notes
- Charlotte W. Thomson
- For bibliographical references see Grove: 1987 (Document 3)
- 85022673
- Olmecs