Comments on the site and its organization
ancient chalcatzingo • Austin • Published In 1987 • Pages: 420-433
By: Grove, David C..
In this interpretation of the data from survey and excavation in and around the Olmec-influenced highland site of Chalcatzingo, Grove begins with a review the settlement pattern data showing the special status of the site within a regional system, and considers internal variability at the site as it relates to social status and craft production. Evidence for destruction or 'ritual termination' of dwellings is compared to the mutilation and burial of stone monuments in the Olmec heartland; possibly at the death of the associated personage, be it household head or king. Although of distinctively local style, the Type C8 ceramic figurines described in Grove: 1987 (Document 17) exhibit consistent individualized traits (especially headdresses), making them analogous to the portraits of rulers found in the colossal stone heads of the Gulf Coast Olmec. Parallels in portraiture on monumental stone carvings at Chalcatzingo provide evidence of the diffusion of a 'Cult of the Ruler' from the Gulf Coast, stimulating increased social stratification. A review of monumental stone sculpture identifies three consistent themes: 1) leadership and the importance of external relations with Olmec coastal centers and other highland outposts; 2) mythological-religious cycles; and 3) reference to a sacred landscape with Cerro [Mount] Chalcatzingo located within a vaguely defined cosmology. All three aspects of Olmec-style monumental sculpture at the site--most clearly contemporary with La Venta IV examples--appear somewhat modified to address specifically highland concerns with seasonal rain and fertility.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Central Mexico
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Leon G. Doyon ; 2006
- Field Date
- 1972-1976
- Coverage Date
- 3500 BP-2500 BP
- Coverage Place
- Río Amatzinac Valley, Morelos State, Mexico
- Notes
- David C. Grove
- For bibliographical references see Grove: 1987 (Document 3)
- 85022673
- Olmecs