Excavations at Huacaloma in the Cajamarca valley, Peru, 1979

University of Tokyo PressTokyo • Published In 1982 • Pages: xiv, 351 , plates

By: Terada, Kazuo, Onuki, Yoshio, Ushino, Tsuyoshi, Matsumoto, Ryozo, Seki, Yuji, Kato, Yasutake, Ninomiya, Shuji, Kishimoto, Tomoko, Kimizuka, Kasuko, Matsuzawa, Tadaaki, Osawa, Masumi, Takayama, Hiroshi, Shimada, Melody.

Terada and Onuki report on their excavations and findings from the site of Huacaloma in Peru. The site was occupied from the Early Huacaloma through the Middle Cajamarca Periods. How they excavated and the levels and stratigraphy they found are reported in great detail along with the architecture and the artifacts. The report contains numerous drawings and photographs of the stratigraphy, the excavation levels, the walls found within the excavation levels, the ceramics, and the other artifacts. A detailed ceramic typology is presented. Although, the architecture that was found during the excavations was not given a function, most were probably part of either a public or religious structure. Only the data that pertains to the Early Huacaloma, Late Huacaloma, and Lazón Periods were indexed for OCM (Outline of Cultural Materials ) codes. The reader should use caution when examining the plates as artifacts or architecture from several time periods may be shown on a plate.
Archaeological excavation methods
Ceramic technology
General tools
Visual arts
Cultural stratigraphy
Highland Andean Formative
HRAF PubDate
South America
Sub Region
Central Andes
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Sarah Berry ; 2002
Field Date
Aug 1978 and June-September 1979
Coverage Date
Early Huacaloma through Layzón Periods or 3500 BP-2200 BP (1500 B.C.-200 B.C.)
Coverage Place
site of Huacaloma; Peru
Kazuo Terada, Yoshio Onuki
Chapter 2: Stratigraphy and constructions / Yoshio Onuki, Tsuyoshi Ushino, Ryozo Matsumoto, Yuji Seki, Yasutake Kato -- Chapter 3: Classification of pottery / Ryozo Matsumoto -- Chapter 4: Ryozo Matsumoto -- Chapter 5: Clay, stone, metal, bone and shell artifacts / Ryozo Matsumoto, Tsuyoshi Ushino -- Chapter 6: Process of the site formation / Yoshio Onuki, Yasutake Kato, Ryozo Matsumoto -- Chapter 7: Conclusions / Kazuo Terada, Yoshio Onuki -- Appendix I: Chemical studies on pottery sherds from the Huacaloma sites / Shuji Ninomiya, Tomoko Kishimoto, Kazuko Kimizuka, Tadaaki Matsuzawa, Masumi Osawa -- Appendix III: Huacaloma skeleton no. 1 from the late Huacaloma period / Hiroshi Takayama -- Appendix IV: Zooarchaeology of Huacaloma: behavioral and cultural implications / Melody Shimada
Includes bibliographical references (p. 319-320) and index
Indians of South America--Andes--Antiquities