A sourcebook of Nasca ceramic iconography: reading a culture through its art
University of Iowa Press • Iowa City, Iowa • Published In 2006 • Pages:
By: Proulx, Donald A..
The author examined more than six thousand decorated ceramic vessels to develop a classification and interpretation of Nazca iconographic themes, mostly pertaining to stylistic phases 2-7 (circa 2000-1350 BP, or AD 1-650). The final chapter provides a good overview of Nazca culture from the perspective of the analysis of artistic motifs, including such topics as ritual, mythical beings, face painting, warfare, trophy heads, daily life, farming, subsistence, clothing, and dwellings.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2015
- Region
- South America
- Sub Region
- Central Andes
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Sarah Berry; 2013
- Field Date
- 1985-1998
- Coverage Date
- 2200-1200 BP (200 BC-AD 800)
- Coverage Place
- southern Cañete province, Lima region, Ica region, and Caravelí province, Arequipa region (south coast), Peru
- Notes
- Donald A. Proulx
- Includes bibliographical references (p. [211-228) and index
- 2006044599
- Nazca pottery--Themes, motives
- Nazca culture
- Idols and images--Peru
- Peru--Antiquities