
Architecture of the Chimu: memory, function, and image

northern dynasties : kingship and statecraft in chimor: a symposium at dumbarton oaks, 12th and 13th october 1985Washington, D.C. • Published In 1990 • Pages: 43-74

By: Conklin, William J..

The author examines Chimu architecture through images found in ceramics and textiles and by examining architectural remains, tracing changes from the early [i]huacas[/i] from the Initial Period in the Moche Valley through the urban layouts of Chimu. Iconography contains no examples of specific monuments, only generalized [i]huacas[/i], but there are models of domestic structures and scenes of some of the activities that occurred within them. What the Chimu portrayed through iconography and what was not shown are considered clues as to the meanings associated with different types of architecture. Galindo, Pampa Grande, Chan Chan, and Pacatnamu receive particular attention. Galindo is especially important as it was no longer a city dominated by [i]huacas[/i] , probably indicting the advent of secularization. The iconography suggests such mounds contained the power of a deity while the chroniclers’ descriptions imply the mountains were the primary source of sacred power. The plan of Chan Chan hints that the Chimu government may not have been a unified state, because there are no common plazas, water supply, or monuments. Instead, the [i]ciudadelas[/i] seem to have been created as mausoleums to showcase the personal art collection of the person buried there. In contrast, Huaca 1 at Pacatnamu is associated with a Chan Chan-like compound, but there is a unified access system. Although many portable Chimu artifacts were similar in throughout its territory, architecture in the Moche Valley differed from architecture elsewhere.
Religious and educational structures
Settlement patterns
Visual arts
Sociocultural trends
Cultural participation
General character of religion
Sacred objects and places
Public structures
Miscellaneous facilities
HRAF PubDate
South America
Sub Region
Central Andes
Document Type
Creator Type
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
Sarah Berry; 2014
Field Date
not specified
Coverage Date
4000-524 BP (2000 BC-AD 1476)
Coverage Place
coastal La Libertad region (north coast) Peru
William J. Conklin
Includes bibliographical references (p. 72-74 )
Chimu Indians--Politics and government--Congresses
Chimu Indians--Antiquities--Congresses
Chan Chan Site (Peru)--Congresses