Cova de l'Or (Beniarres-Alicante)
Servicio de Investigacion Prehistorica, Diputacion Provincial de Valencia • 1 (51) • Published In 1977 • Pages: 92 , plates
By: Martí Oliver, Bernardo, Rafael Ballester, Pardo, Segura Marti, J. Maria.
La Cova de l'Or is a Neolithic cave site located in the Valencia region of Spain. This document, in Spanish, describes possible North African and eastern Mediterranean influences on the site, and comparisons are made to other archaeological excavations in the area. The artifacts described deal in large part with the cardial ceramic type which is characteristic of the Neolithic period. The stone, bone, and shell industries are also described in great detail. Very little information, however, is given on the actual excavation techniques employed. The work is well illustrated with numerous figures and plates.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Europe
- Sub Region
- General Europe
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle ; 1999
- Field Date
- 1955-1958, 1975-1976
- Coverage Date
- Neolithic period
- Coverage Place
- La Cova de l'Or, Valencia region, Spain
- Notes
- por Bernardo Marti Olivier, con la colaboracion de Rafael Pardo Ballester y J. M.a
- Includes bibliographical references
- 78377176
- Europe--Antiquities